Governor-elect Matt Myer
“Welcome to our transition website! I am honored to serve as your next Governor and excited to begin this journey together. Our team is dedicated to building a government that gets things done – one that listens, collaborates, and addresses the needs of every community. Thank you for your trust, and let’s keep moving Delaware forward.”
Help Build Delaware’s Future
Join Our Team
Governor-elect Meyer is building a transition process that prioritizes new ideas, collaboration, and community. We invite you to complete the form for consideration for employment or appointment.
Share Your Ideas
Governor-elect Meyer is committed to listening to Delawareans’ voices. What would you like to see state government do better? How can we make Delaware a better place for all? Let us know!
Join a Committee
Transition Policy Committee meetings are open to the public. We have in-person and virtual options to join. What policies do you want to see? Let us know using our online form.
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